QROPS Update

4th December 2023


It was announced in the Autumn Statement in November 2023 that a new ‘Overseas Transfer Allowance’  will  be  introduced  on  6th  April  2024.  This  will  be  equal  to  the  existing  Lifetime Allowance of £1,073,100 (or higher if the individual has LTA protections in place).

This allowance will be used to cap the value of UK pension benefits which can be transferred into a QROPS without incurring a tax charge.

Any excess over the new ‘OTA’ of £1.073m will be subject to a 25% Overseas Transfer Charge. This tax charge effectively replaces the Benefit Crystallisation Event 8 LTA test and charge which applied on transfers to QROPS exceeding the LTA limit prior to 6th April 2023. It is worth noting that you are transferring your pension to a QROPS and, for whatever reason, it is not exempt from the ‘ordinary’ OTC that we all know and love, then you will not be double-charged. The tax will apply only to transfers to QROPS where there is an exemption from the OTC.

If you have a pension of more than £1.073m and are considering transferring to a QROPS – and this applies to DB and DC transfers – the transfer needs to be completed by 5th April 2024 to avoid tax on any amount in excess of £1.073m.

Another change to the rules is that there was previously no tax on any lump sum paid from a UK scheme on death of the member before age 75. The new rules introduce a Lump Sum and Death Benefit Allowance (LSDBA) (which is also £1.073m) with 25% tax applying on any excess. However, it has been confirmed that because drawdown income is not tested against this limit, they can pay out the death benefits as income over a short period of time.

However, if you have a pension that you wish to transfer DC funds in excess of the current LTA to a QROPS. As things stood, there would have been no LTA charge, but it might now be liable for the new OTA.  This is a good reason to complete proposed transfers before the deadline of 5th April 2024.

Please contact the team at Partners Like Us for more information and a free, no obligation review.

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